An EU Horizon Project on Sustainable Battery Manufacturing
Carbon Neutral European Battery Cell Production with Sustainable, Innovative Processes and 3D Electrode Design to Manufacture

On the way to cost- and energy-efficient lithium-ion battery cell production

The Horizon Europe research project BatWoMan aims at paving the way for sustainable and cost-efficient lithium-ion battery cell production in the European Union. This is achieved through the removal of volatile organic compounds in electrode processing and the use of high dry mass content slurries. An innovative dry room requirement reduction concept with improved electrolyte filling will be established, as well as low-cost and energy-efficient cell conditioning, namely wetting, formation and ageing. An AI-based platform and a digital battery dataspace and passport will support these technological improvements. The overall goal of the project is to reduce the production cost and energy consumption by more than half, pushing towards low-emission battery cell manufacturing.


Project Coordinator:

Dr. Katja Fröhlich

Senior Research Engineer

Austrian Institute of Technology

Giefinggasse 2, 1210 Vienna

Portrait photo of Katja Fröhlich

BatWoMan is a 4.8 Million EU Horizon Project Running from 2022 to 2025

3 Main Technological Efforts


BatWoMan develops new sustainable and cost-efficient Li-ion battery cell production concepts, paving the way towards carbon-neutral cell production within the European Union.

Three main technological efforts will be supported digitally via creating an AI-driven, innovative platform for smart re-tooling, constantly monitoring the sustainability and efficiency of the proposed individual production steps, and developing a battery data space providing relevant cell background data.

This way, BatWoMan will lead to an estimated cell production cost reduction of 63.5% and cell production energy consumption reduction by 52.6% and therefore enable a European leadership position in sustainable battery production.

The BatWoMan Consortium Consists of Professionals from 8 Partner Institutions

Austrian Institute of Technology
Karlsruhe Institute for Technology
University of Duisburg-Essen
Research Institutes of Sweden